(I love you, Mummy!)
Wednesday, 8 October 2008
Thursday, 25 September 2008

He tardado mucho tiempo con mi primera nota en castellano, pero así persona meticulosa, he esperado para el tema y la ocasión especial, que vale la pena mis esfuerzos; Y ahora vienen! Dentro de unas horas dejaré el país más curioso del mundo, mi querida España.
Sin embargo tengo el presentimiento que todavía volveré aqui.
Por qué?
Porque he conocido a gente inolvidable, he probado hacer cosas que siempre quise revisar, he catado la comida deliciosa, he comprobado que estoy bien con mi cuerpo femenino que pude poner de relieve aquí, me he dado la buena vida como siempre había soñado. Y, lo mejor, he probado mi suerte.
Pero ya era hora para volver a casa, a Polonia, a mi vida regular. Pues, me prometo que hasta ahora disfrutaré de mi vida en la manera española ^^. (tienes que vivir aqui para entender lo que significa ^^).
Pues, agradezco de todo corazón a ellos, quienes han tenido paciencia para enseñarme español y España, quienes me regalaron la amistad, coridialidad y los recuerdos valiosos.
Monday, 22 September 2008
Friday, 19 September 2008
I carry the sun in a golden cup, the moon in a silver bag
Now I've realized that within last 3 years I've moved 9 times (!). Like a gadabout!
So yeap, since October I'm staying in a dorm in Warsaw, so excited but a bit diffident as well. Good thing is that I already know my roommate; she seems to be lovely and witty, so sure she will not let me get bored. And it's near to a pretty square, perfect for jogging (yes, Jaja runs! I'd missed my spinning so much than I had to find a substitute)
'the-Carla-Bruni-mood': http://pl.youtube.com/watch?v=tEJrR9PgZ-M
Monday, 15 September 2008
Gnashing my teeth, grrrr!!!
I am pissed off.
Well, the University of Warsaw welcome back. Should get used to it!
Sunday, 14 September 2008
Thursday, 11 September 2008
"I'm astounded by people who want to 'know' the universe when it's hard enough to find your way around Chinatown."
Wednesday, 10 September 2008
[hə`ləu `AfrIkE]
Hello Africa!
(Yeah, I've known that finally I'll find something on Mallorca to complain about ^^)
Monday, 8 September 2008
Sunday, 7 September 2008
Matter of Taste
I do not know much about yours’ homes, but as for me your countries taste as well, Australia with Kate’s damper, the US with a bread pudding with raspberries, Spain with amazing egg & potatoes omelet and lemon thingy, Denmark with this fishy something in the shape of crockets, Germany- potatoes salad, Lithuania with smoked pigs’ ears, Portugal- spinach, Romania- boiled cabbage, Italy- Pasta (quite obvious, but one Sardinian girl showed me that there are at least 239 ways of preparing and 154 ways of consuming it!), England- doughnuts ( yes, in plural, one is not sufficient!).
(Jaja, the gourmet)
Friday, 5 September 2008
I'm a Lady

It's so fabulous to be myself. I just simply love it. And I want to say it loudly: I like my body, I adore my (lack of ^^) voice, all asymmetries I hold, every single kilogram (btw, I'll never use the phrase "redundant kilograms" again!), the way I'm walking and smiling.
It may look like a really trivial post, some kind of self-admiration, but guys, why not?!
Honestly, I've never done it before, so please do not consider the post as a manifestation of vanity, but as a first step in constructing my self-confidence (which actually I've never possessed).
Just wanted to give a try to the self-glorification, coz...
(xoxo for Julia)
Saturday, 30 August 2008
Like a bird!
Friday, 29 August 2008
10 things I like about Mallorca

1. Sunny nights! (yes, its possible!)
2. the countryside: soil is bloody-red! and specific "molinos" (windmills)
3. People! "Hola guapa" ^^( yeah, it feeds my vanity!) and the "mañana" (= tomorrow) attitude.
4. there are more than 17 shades of green colour
6. Tapas, tapas, tapas! (= characteristic Spanish snacks)
7. Narrow streets and the way Spaniards are driving. Crazy!
8. Small houses in the sand colour with blue-and-green-and-yellow shutters.
9. Cats, cats, cats, everywhere.
10. An uncommon combination of sea and mountains, which run into one

Sunday, 24 August 2008
I taste better

Long time no see, huh? At least I have a good excuse,
I think that my life in here is more... distinct and flavorful and at the same time is soul-stirring. In other words, it tastes better... I TASTE BETTER.
Friday, 25 July 2008
The ‘Goodbye-yummy-thingummy’
My internship is over, that’s a pity. but to make a bitter good bye day more pleasant, I prepared The ‘Goodbye-yummy-thingummy’! (Jagoda’s trade mark by the way!)
2 tablespoons of powder sugar
2 cups of (sweet) cream (30 % fat)
Lemon jelly (2 packs)
1. Put biscuits on the bottom of the square dish
Preparing it took me hmmm 19 minutes. It’s really easy! Btw, my explanatory skills are really weak, as you probably see above. And it doesn’t matter if it is English or Polish!! ^^ so be patient and do not hesitate to ask for specification.
Wednesday, 23 July 2008
Tuesday, 15 July 2008
Fall in Love with Him
Warsaw is like a lover who accepts just a piece of me, this one which is called "the adulthood". But at the same time, he doesn't accept my background. He enchants me with his appearance, but when it comes to a deeper conversation, I'm disappointed.
Monday, 14 July 2008
A very merry unbirthday to you

But today is an important day as well. It's my 8030 unbrithday. Indeed, every single day calls for a celebration.
Thank you, my beloved family, thank you Eleonorka, Irunka, Jessica, Julia, Nerius, Giampa, Jesper, Marysia, Kostas, Valerie, Cristina, Corrado, Mali, Dalia V., Massimiliano, Adam, Gosia, Mariaantonietta, Kate, Umbaldo, Julia and Malte, Randy, Luka, Anna, Veronika, Aunt Basia, Agata, Krzysio, Kamlocik, Agatoss vel. Pyda, Aga, Martusia and Maciek, Jens, Justynki (2x), Kasia, Agnieszka W., Michał, Weronika (hope I haven't forgotten about anyone) for warm thoughts and best wishes.. and for making me me.
Wednesday, 9 July 2008
Open Your Eyes
So guys, let's switch off the lights and open our eyes!
Monday, 7 July 2008
Saturday, 5 July 2008
Me, Myself & I
My spanish is getting better.
Jess, as far as you are probably the only person who is reading my blog ^^ (do not think that I’m complying! The rule: quality> quantity!), anyway, My Sweet Friend, I think I’ve get addicted from you. And now I feel a bit lonely here. I’m still looking for… some kind of substitute of you.
I’m doing my best to set the relations with my fellows, however, I changed. I feel as if my Polish world was untouched; Maybe my mom changed her hairdo, my sister has gained some weight, some friends get engaged (!!), but all in all- it’s so stable. But I love it. It’s weird to be a stranger, it’s taught to fit this world, but it is the world I belong to... Here... My, Myself & I.
Thursday, 3 July 2008
A Simple Pleasure
My momma always said, "Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get."
Now Im back to Poland, the circle closed. No, no, but its not a circle any more... it's more a spiral. Let it spin!
I really enjoy my new job, girls Im working with are great, I have a great ball. I have to conduct a social research, so interesting, so involving, so important.
Today is my Name Day. Its so beautiful to be a strawberry girl!
Great. I love myself.
Tuesday, 17 June 2008
Every beginning is just a sequel
I feel so... bitter-sweet (about the blog, leaving, home, exam, my danish flat, everything!)
but maybe that's why- let's do it.
for the sake of the blog I've (successfully!) tried to download Windows Movie Maker, yeah there will be a lot of klips now! I'm getting into things so easily. and so completely! So now McJaja becomes Jaja-Movie-Maker.
btw, what a stupid 'breaking-the-ice' post!